Titre du document / Document title
The neural substrates of motor recovery after focal damage to the central nervous system
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
WARD Nick S. (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology , London , England , ROYAUME-UNI
Résumé / Abstract
Objective: To discuss how reorganization of the surviving central nervous system tissue might subserve the improvements in function that are commonly seen over weeks, months, and sometimes years after stroke. Data Sources: Original scientific studies. Study Selection: The studies reviewed all used noninvasive techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Only studies using motor paradigms in stroke patients were reviewed. Data Extraction: Data were reviewed and assessed by the author. Data Synthesis: Currently, results suggest that functionally relevant changes do occur in cerebral networks in human stroke patients. For example, it is apparent that initial attempts to move a paretic limb after stroke are associated with widespread activity within the distributed motor system in both cerebral hemispheres. This reliance on nonprimary motor output pathways is unlikely to support full recovery, but improved efficiency of the surviving networks is associated with behavioral gains. Conclusions: This review discusses how a better understanding of the relation between these changes and recovery will facilitate the development of novel therapeutic techniques that are based on neurobiologic principles and that are designed to minimize impairment in appropriately targeted patients suffering from stroke.
Revue / Journal Title
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (Arch. phys. med. rehabil.) ISSN 0003-9993 CODEN APMHAI
Source / Source
Neuroplasticity and brain imaging research: implications for rehabilitation
2006, vol. 87, n o 12 (51 ref.), [Note(s) : S30-S35]
Langue / Language
Editeur / Publisher
Elsevier, New York, NY, ETATS-UNIS (1953) (Revue)
Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Electrodiagnosis ; Vascular disease ; Nervous system diseases ; Central nervous system disease ; Cerebrovascular disease ; Cardiovascular disease ; Cerebral disorder ; Transcranial magnetic stimulation ; Rehabilitation ; Reeducation ; Brain ; Treatment ; Efficiency ; Cerebral hemisphere ; Limb ; Synthesis ; Extraction ; Human ; Paradigm ; Electroencephalography ; Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging ; Functional imaging ; Technique ; Bibliographic review ; Review ; Improvement ; Central nervous system ; Recovery ; Medical imagery ; Stroke ;
Mots-clés français / French Keywords
Electrodiagnostic ; Vaisseau sanguin pathologie ; Système nerveux pathologie ; Système nerveux central pathologie ; Cérébrovasculaire pathologie ; Appareil circulatoire pathologie ; Encéphale pathologie ; Stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ; Réhabilitation ; Rééducation ; Cerveau ; Traitement ; Efficacité ; Hémisphère cérébral ; Membre ; Synthèse ; Extraction ; Homme ; Paradigme ; Electroencéphalographie ; Imagerie RMN ; Imagerie fonctionnelle ; Technique ; Revue bibliographique ; Article synthèse ; Amélioration ; Système nerveux central ; Récupération ; Imagerie médicale ; Accident cérébrovasculaire ;
Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish Keywords
Electrodiagnóstico ; Vaso sanguíneo patología ; Sistema nervioso patología ; Sistema nervosio central patología ; Vaso sanguíneo encéfalo patología ; Aparato circulatorio patología ; Encéfalo patología ; Estimulación magnética transcraneal ; Rehabilitación ; Reeducación ; Cerebro ; Tratamiento ; Eficacia ; Hemisferio cerebral ; Miembro ; Síntesis ; Extracción ; Hombre ; Paradigma ; Electroencefalografía ; Imaginería RMN ; Imaginería funcional ; Técnica ; Revista bibliográfica ; Artículo síntesis ; Mejora ; Sistema nervioso central ; Recuperación ; Imaginería médica ; Accidente cerebrovascular ;
Mots-clés d'auteur / Author Keywords
Brain ; Imaging techniques ; Rehabilitation ;
Localisation / Location
INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 8199, 35400014514922.0040
Mots-clés portugais / Portuguese Keywords / Palavras-chave em Português
Eletrodiagnóstico; Doença Vascular; Patologia do sistema nervoso; Sistema nervoso central doenças; Doenças Cerebrovascular ; Doenças cardiovasculares; Desordem Cerebral ; Estimulação magnética transcraniana; Reabilitação; Reeducação; Cerebro; Tratamento; Eficiência; hemisfério Cerebral; extremidade; Síntese ; Extração; Humanos; Paradigma; Eletroencefalografia; Nuclear ressonância magnética;
Funcional; Técnica ; revisão bibliográfica; Revisão; Melhora; sistema nervoso central; Recuperação; Imagens medicas; acidente vascular cerebral